Vacancy - Marketing and Communications Officer
Middlesex FA is excited to offer the chance to join our growing team.
Middlesex FA is welcoming applications for the post of Marketing and Communications Officer.
This fantastic opportunity offers the right candidate the chance to form part of a growing team, based at our new facility in Rectory Park, Ruislip Road, Northolt.
Some of the role’s responsibilities include leading, managing and developing the marketing and communications strategy on behalf of the Middlesex FA network.
A full job description and application pack can be downloaded by clicking here
If you wish to apply, please ensure that your completed application form is submitted to Middlesex FA, Head of Commercial and Operations, George Wells, by midnight Sunday 17th February 2019 in an envelope addressed for my personal attention and marked ‘Private and Confidential’ or by email to
Please note that you will be informed by Tuesday 19th February if you have been shortlisted for interview.
Only candidates invited to interview will be contacted, unsuccessful candidates will not be contacted.
The interview date is Monday 25th February 2019.