Vacancy: Disability Football Development Officer
Middlesex FA is excited to offer you the chance to join the team as the Disability Football Development Officer.
This fantastic opportunity offers the right candidate the chance to form part of a growing team ahead of the Association's move to a new state-of-the-art facility in Northolt, Ealing.
In this role you will be required to work strategically to align current and future disability football provision, ensuring an integrated approach across the County FA, local Premier League and English Football League Trust Club networks, alongside key partners from across the disability, health, education and community & voluntary sectors.
A full job description and application pack can be downloaded by clicking the button below.
If you wish to apply, please ensure that your completed application form is submitted to Middlesex FA Head of Participation and Development, Lynsey Edwards, by 5.00pm Thursday 26th July 2018 in an envelope addressed for my personal attention and marked ‘Private and Confidential’ or by email to
Please note that you will be informed by Friday 27th July if you have been shortlisted for interview. Only candidates invited to interview will be contacted, unsuccessful candidates will not be contacted. The interview date is Friday 3rd August.