Players and People
What would a club or league be without the players & people in it?
Both are pivotal components for the successful running of a league or club and enable grassroots football in Middlesex to thrive.
That's why we want to make sure that we continue to support the leagues & clubs workforce however we can. Whether that's helping you to recruit players, volunteers or raise awareness in your local community - we can help!
Player Registration
Find out how to register your team's players online via the Whole Game System (WGS).
Find Players
Our player noticeboard helps clubs recruit new players and players find new clubs - check it out...
Can you dedicate some of your free time to help grow grassroots football in Middlesex?
Volunteers are the heroes of grassroots football. Find out the type of volunteer roles that could be available to you.
School Club Links
Establishing links between schools & clubs brings