Leagues & Clubs
Leagues and Clubs provide the game with competition and structure.
They are at the epicentre of grassroots football and the volunteers who run them allow the game in Middlesex to thrive.
We have 12 affiliated leagues in Middlesex which serve over 2000 teams. It's our mission to ensure this number continues to rise and so in this section you will find all information you need to know about joining a league and starting or growing your club.
Players & People
Find players, register players or recruit volunteers to help your club grow.
Club Managment
The best clubs are run well behind-the-scenes. Make sure your club is running effectively.
Build your brand and develop your pitch (not the grass one) with our handy hints and tips on club marketing.
Grants, funding, fundraising and debt - make sure your club is financially sustainable.
County Leagues
Looking to join a league? Find out more about the leagues available to you in Middlesex.
Setting up a club
It's never been easier to setup and run your own football club. Find out how...
Charter standard
Does your club prioritise child protection, quality coaching and implementation of the Respect programme? You may be eligible for FA Charter Standard accreditation.